During sleep, the body releases growth hormone which aids in healing and tissue regeneration. Sleep also helps to store newly learned information in the long-term memory.

Being productive and focused at work is intricately tied to how well you’ve slept the night before. Tired or sleep deprived employees can have a huge impact on the bottom line of your company.  They are not only less productive but they are more prone to make mistakes while on the job.  Pass these tips along to your staff to promote healthy sleep habits.

Top tips to a good night’s sleep:

  1. Keep a regular sleep schedule.  Within reason, try to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day.
  2. Create a relaxing bedtime routine.  Turn off cell phones, tablets, computers and the TV at least a half an hour before bed and use that time to wind down for the day.
  3. Focus on relaxing your body and mind when you get into bed. This will allow you to fall asleep faster and won’t allow your mind to remain active thinking about the day’s events.Simply Health,Cindy Richardson, Program Developer

    As Program Developer, Cindy works closely with our clients to ensure that the health and wellness needs of your corporation are met and exceeded. As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Meditation Instructor, Cindy’s knowledge and passion for healthy living ensure that our programs are proactive and cutting edge. Join us daily for amazing health tips and information to make 2015 your best year yet!

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