We’ve all heard titles like ‘coach’ or ‘mentor’, etc. but what do they really mean? More importantly, what do they offer and why would you need one.

In today’s time, there are a lot of ‘titles’ that have little meaning or better yet, bring about ambiguity in what people really do for a living. If you appreciate the work of Robin Sharma, his book, The Leader Who Had No Title, comes to mind when I spend time trying to define what I do for a living. I’m apt to side with Robin that, leaders don’t need a title, but businesses love to give titles to their employees – some tell you exactly what they do for their job, such as Chicken Feather Plucker to Wellness Coordinator that has nothing to do with Wellness.

I’ve been reading many articles on the title ‘Coach’ these days and I’m disappointed that this is considered a vague title – now, of course, you need to preface this title with the type of coaching you do, but still it remains vague to many people.

Although my present title is ‘Founder/Workplace Health Strategist’, I’m more inclined to just remove the title altogether. For 15 years I called myself a Disability Consultant, which worked very well since it was a niche career but not so much anymore. That title seems to have been destroyed by many.

Zak Slayback, in his Linkedin article describes the differences between mentors, advisors and coaches.

Tony Robbins gives us his version of the difference between coaching and therapist.  As Tony says, “Therapists help clients explore and understand their subconscious and unconscious mind. Their goal in this exploration is deep understanding. Life coaches focus on results and actions. Their goals can be measured with key performance indicators and specific behavioral outcomes and goals”.

There are lots of opinions and lots of choices. For now, let me tell you what I do, then you can call me anything you want (well, almost anything) as long as you can remember my name, and understand what I do, I’m happy without the title.

For years, I’ve been a Disability Consultant as I stated earlier. For as many years, I’ve presented numerous seminars, workshops and training programs but more recently, I received my Certification with Jack Canfield in the Success Principles. For those of you that don’t know Jack, he is the co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and so many other books and is also known as a Success Coach (here is that title coach again). You can find more about Jack, here.

I digress. I do what Jack does for a living and for my projection of where I would be in 5 years (part of Jack’s Breakthrough to Success Program), I called myself ‘Jackie’ Canfield. The skills I have learned from Jack are how to help others ‘get from where they are to where they want to be’. Call that a coach, mentor or consultant. – call it whatever you want, but this is me!

My expertise in working with corporations for over 2 decades, has given me the opportunity to provide this type of work at an organizational level, as well as personally. This work can help many managers, directors and leaders, transform their careers to even greater heights through personal development. Not only does their career gain momentum but, so does their personal life.

If you and your organization are looking for avenues to increase productivity, sales and accomplishments from your team, arrange a workshop date with me.

Simply click on the ‘Talk to Me’ button below and send me a message.

If you are interested in personal development for yourself, feel free to send an email to Lucie@FournierHealth.com or call me at 519 803 3025. We can arrange a time to discuss your goals




Lucie M.H. Fournier RN, COHN(C), BA (Psych)
Founder/Workplace Health Strategist

Expertise in 6 distinct niches including:

1. Corporate and Transformational Coaching

2. Advanced level training for internal claims manager to MAXIMIZE cost containment 

3. Sensitive claims management of professional staff, such as HR, health team, and/or executives such as supervisors, managers, directors 

4. Complex claims management resolution

5. Mental health claim return to work & accommodations

6. Transitional Leadership when moving to & from a 3rd party disAbility management company

We service clients across Ontario in all types of employers – large or small. We provide a customized approach to your business because we, and you, are different than the company down the road. A cookie cutter approach is NOT our specialty; nor our interest! We enjoy keeping the humanity in disability management while assertively managing your claims and costs. Feel free to call if you want to examine a long-term approach that is unique to you and your employees.