
How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Work 

  1. Carpool or take public transit to work. Reduce the amount of fossil fuels being burned by teaming up with co-workers to get to work.
  2. Recycle paper, takeout containers, plastic bottles, and cardboard. Start a recycling program and encourage co-workers to follow suit.
  3. Use teleconferencing tools such as Skype or conference calls for business meetings instead of driving across town or flying to another city.

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home. 

  1. Buy Local – Not only are you supporting local businesses, but you are also reducing the distance those products need to travel, therefore reducing the amount of energy required to transport them.
  2. Set the thermostat a degree cooler in the winter and a couple of degrees warmer in the summer months.
  3. Use cold water for laundry.
  4. Reduce consumption of non-essential items for the home.  For example, instead of purchasing cleaners for the bathroom, kitchen, floors, and windows, use an environmentally friendly all-purpose cleaner.

Simply Health,

Cindy Richardson, Program Developer

As Program Developer, Cindy works closely with our clients to ensure that the health and wellness needs of your corporation are met and exceeded. As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Meditation Instructor, Cindy’s knowledge and passion for healthy living ensure that our programs are proactive and cutting edge. Join us daily for amazing health tips and information to make 2015 your best year yet!

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