DisAbility & Health Management Solutions
Communiqué – January 2013

Happy New Years!
Here are some simple solutions on how to become a leader in workplace health.
1. Get ahead of your disability claims
The best way to get ahead of your disability claims is to ensure your policies and procedures accurately reflect your strategies to minimize absenteeism. In my opinion, the main reason why employees take time off is because we ‘allow them’ to do so.

2. Have a 3rd or 4th party analyze your disability management situation/provider
While a lot of employers think that disability management consultants are expensive – they are worth it. 🙂 With a return on investment (ROI) of 1:7, dHMS has saved, on average, $7.00 on every dollar invoiced for full disability management services. That’s dollars back in your pocket that far outweigh the costs.

3. Reallocate your disability management dollars to Health Initiatives
In order to prevent disability, workplaces need to take a strategic approach to keeping their employees healthy. There is a huge return on your investment, a reduction in your benefits and sick time along with reduced workplace accidents if your employees are healthy. Many studies are available today to provide you with statistics to support implementing such programs.

4. Develop a Health Management Program that goes beyond Health & Wellness
Lunch n’ learns, seminars, health fairs are all great ways to promote health & wellness in the workplace. Although this is a great way to start, implementing corporate objectives to sustain health and wellness goes beyond seminars. It needs to be embedded in the culture of the organization. When we talk about health & safety, we seem to focus on safety that keeps our people free from injury. Now we need to address staying healthy from illness or disease.

5. Be prepared to address the real root of the problem
You can address the real root of the problem by conducting an audit of your benefits – drugs, dental, other medical services. What are your employees spending money on?

6. Be committed to long term solutions
Once you have a long term strategy in place, be prepared to enjoy the rewards of a healthy workforce that directly affects the bottom line. Healthier people produce more and enjoy coming to work regularly.

7. Be prepared for maximum results!
As an employer, it is hard to see the return on investment up front, but research has recorded ROI that can be utilized to show the worth of a strong Health Program for the longevity of your corporation.