It’s Remembrance Day again and my thoughts and prayers go to all the men and women serving our country, especially to my son, and my 2 nephews. My heart also goes out to all the Canadian Forces personnel, those of yesterday and poppy

In the last couple of months, I’ve had the pleasure of seeing my son a bit more frequently than usual. Next week is his birthday and he will have completed almost 3 years of his 4 year contract with the army. He has lived a life time of experiences, emotions and growth in these few short years. I didn’t think he needed it, nor did I necessarily want him to experience life this way, but the army has served him well with life lessons.

I know that he has lost friends through various means while serving but he has also enriched his life forever with the undying bond of the ‘Canadian Forces family’. As dedicated parents we raise our children with a sense of family and love but the army provides unwavering support and dedication to all its members. My son tells me often of the ‘extended family’ he now belongs to. He is always amazed of how well he is received, no matter where he travels. I am grateful for this new family, away from home.

The army is not without its challenges or faults but I choose to see the love and support my son receives and extend my gratitude to all. We buy a poppy to support our troops, but many of us have little understanding of their day to day life and tribulations as a soldier. Some of us don’t want to know – I am that way in some aspects of my son’s career. I think as a mother, I don’t really need to know everything.

I am however very proud of his choice in career, no matter how long he serves. His decision has brought me to understand more about our country, our veterans and our freedom they fight for every day. As a proud Canadian, I cannot imagine living anywhere else. I thank all the men and women who have been, are, and will be a part of the Canadian Forces.

To my son, I hold you close to my heart, always.