You’ve just been to your family physician for your annual check-up and the results have all come back “normal.” Your blood pressure is “normal” and your blood work is all within the “normal” range. On paper, you are “healthy.” But is that really the case? What does it truly mean to be healthy?

Healthy lifestyle collage                                  Health: the state of being free from illness or injury

You may meet the criteria in this definition to be healthy, but are yu thriving? Are you full of energy? How is your state of mind? Do you have aches and pains?

Together let’s examine some of the most important factors FOURNIER Health uses to assess your current state of health, their inter-connectedness, and how you can start improving your health today!

Our tissues are constantly regenerating – from our skin cells to the cells of our inner organs. In 45 days the liver is replaced with brand new cells and in just 5 days the lining of the stomach is replaced. We can use this information to our advantage when faced with a health challenge (
or as motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle). By changing our environment we can modify the raw materials our bodies use to create new cells.  We can also decrease exposure to environmental chemicals, toxins, and stress all in an effort to stimulate healing in the body. It doesn’t stop there though. We can also add super foods, exercise, meditation, homeopathy, massage therapy, and energy healing to further influence our body’s healing capacity.

FOURNIER Health harnesses the healing potential of various modalities to offer a well-rounded program designed to improve the health of your employees and maintain it. Let’s examine the top 5 factors we use to assess their state of health.

1. Nutrition

Possibly one of the most talked about subjects is nutrition. Diets, antioxidants, and super foods are all buzz words that are tossed around by the media. But how do they impact your health? FOURNIER Health will properly educate your employees on the principles of nutrition – focusing on the development of healthy food habits. A well balanced diet can have an incredible impact on an individual’s well-being – improved energy levels, improved immunity, balanced moods, weight maintenance, and disease prevention.

2. Body Composition

Exercise and maintaining a health body composition go hand in hand with nutrition. A sedentary lifestyle has been linked to the rise in cardiovascular disease and is contributing to larger waistlines. Ergonomics also play an important role as some individuals may spend over 12 hours a day sitting. As a result, we utilize professionals such as Personal Trainers, RMT’s, and Ergonomic Specialists to ensure your employees are receiving
the care they need.

3. Toxins

A toxin is any substance that may affect the body in a negative manner – it may be in the form of a chemical in the air, water, or food. Some of the most common toxins are pesticides, food additives, chemicals in tobacco products, medications, and pollution.

From an energetic standpoint, an environment may also be polluted by negative energy and emotions.  We also work to address the energetic tone of a workplace, making it a more enjoyable place to be.

4. Stress

Stress is often called the silent killer because it is difficult to see and it usually doesn’t create symptoms until it is too late. Stress Management is a key factor we use to determine your current state of health and your future state of health. FOURNIER Health implements stress management techniques to mitigate the detrimental effects of stress.

5. Existing Symptomatology

Lastly, we examine existing symptomatology on a case by case basis. We work with your individual employees to ensure the best results possible.

FOURNIER Health offers a 1 hour complimentary strategic planning session to help you develop a Health and Wellness program that works! Call us today at 647-558-5302 and visit our website for more information.