We can all feel a little directionless from time to time, whether it be in our relationships, our career, or financially.  We have been taught to set goals since grade school and to write down our goals and an action plan on a piece of paper. Where do those goals end up? If you are like me, they usually end up in a notebook or drawer somewhere filed away never to be seen again for months. Life gets busy and we forget to work on the action plan we developed. If you are ready to start creating the life you want and deserve follow these three steps to get your life back on track and focused on the future.

1.   Make a list. Be extremely clear about what you want. Financially, professionally, and personally.  Be specific in your desires. Instead of writing that you want to travel, include the places you want to travel to, what you want to see there, and why you are feeling drawn to that part of the globe. Instead of writing that you want to lose weight, describe exactly how your body will look and feel at your ideal weight. When you are specific in your intentions, decisions that are made on the path to your ultimate goal are effortless.

2.   Make a vision board.  Be creative with this part of the process. Cut out images from magazines, include personal pictures, words, or objects to represent your goals and desires. The purpose of the vision board is to act as a reminder of what you are manifesting in your life, so it needs to stimulate a positive reaction in your body with just a quick glance. Display your vision board in an area of your home that is meaningful to you and is visible on a daily basis.

3.   Act as if your life is already exactly as you want it to be. Feel inside your heart that you already have everything in your life that you need or want and live every day from that place. Allow your thought patterns to shift towards positivity, stifling out any space for negativity. Live each day from a place of gratitude for what you already have been given in your life. Say “thank you” more times in a day than you can count. Meditate with your vision      board and allow the new energy of your manifestations to integrate with your energy field. Imagine you are a magnet pulling the things on your vision board towards you.

Now, relax and watch as your life begins to transform. Don’t forget to revisit your vision board from time to time and make changes to it as your desires shift. The process of manifesting the life you’ve always wanted is always evolving and ever changing as you move through the various stages of your life. Enjoy the amazing journey.

For more details on how Fournier Health can help your organization reach its full health potential call us today at 647-558-5302 or www.fournierhealth.com. Fournier Health offers a complimentary 1-hour strategic planning session.