Mental Health conditions are now responsible for 30% of all short and long term disability claims. This week alone an estimated 500,000 Canadians will be absent from work due to mental illness. Those numbers add up in a big way.  The cost to our economy is estimated to be $51 billion dollars per year. These statistics can have Overworked and tired young woman dealing with stress in front of a computer.a monumental impact on the success of your business and the longevity of your employees.

In past blogs we have discussed the importance of prevention with respect to disease, accidents, and disabilities.  With mental health there is no exception. Prevention is crucial for organizations to manage mental health related costs, maintain a positive work environment and ultimately a successful business.  Putting an action plan in place is the first step in creating mental health awareness in the workplace. The next obvious step is to have easily accessible resources for all employees.

Is stress just a normal part of the workplace?
Small amounts of workplace stress are reasonable or even normal. In some instances minor workplace stress can act as motivation to meet deadlines and remain engaged. When stress becomes un-managed or an individual feels as though they can’t control their stress levels is when it poses the largest threat to escalate to a mental illness.

The problem is that many organizations do not have the resources or do not have the proper training to adequately support an employee with mental illness. As a result, the employee may not be performing at their potential, their morale is low, or they may take a leave of absence. All of these situations are detrimental to the bottom line of any business. By providing employees with access to mental health assessments and early treatment, employers can save in sick leave, medications, and average wage replacement costs.

It is often difficult to pinpoint the cause of someone’s mental illness, but some of the more common contributors are:

  1. Severe or prolonged stress
  2. Major life changes
  3. Biological factors – brain chemistry imbalance, brain damage or viral infection
  4. Abuse or neglect
  5. Substance abuse
  6. Environmental toxins – heavy metals, poor nutrition, overall state of health

Quick Assessment: Are your employees at risk of Mental Illness?

  1. Are employees being managed to feel valued, respected, and important?
  2. Do you offer your employees a flexible schedule?
  3. Are your employees over-worked or feeling burnt-out?
  4. Do your employees feel like they have a voice within your organization?
  5. Is any level of workplace harassment or unfair treatment tolerated in your organization?

As Mental Health issues increase in number and severity, it is time to make permanent positive changes in the workplace. It is time to foster a workplace that promotes healthy working relationships, personal and professional growth and development and content employees.

FOURNIER Health has a passion for partnering with Mental Health Professionals in addressing Mental Health issues within the workplace and developing a Mental Health Program. Contact us today at 647-558-5302 or to schedule your complimentary 1-hour strategic planning session.