Well, with the party in downtown Toronto late Sunday night, I’m sure a few people called in sick on Monday! Lots of cheering, drinking and craziness going on but a good time was had by all that attended the Grey Cup. Unfortunately the entertainment had a lot to be desired, but we survived the oh too young artists and some older ones such as Gordon Lightfoot and Burton Cummings.

I had the pleasure of having a photo taken in front of the WSIB offices on Front Street! Not that thinking about work on a Sunday is anything that I would typically do – joking of course. Absenteeism, WSIB and non occupational claims never seem to leave my mind. I guess after 27 years of working in disability management, it’s hard to shut it off. As a small business owner, it is doubly hard to stop thinking about work because a small business isn’t on a 9 -5 schedule. It’s constant attention to your customers, to the work leftover at the end of the day and always wanting to exceed expectations – or maybe that’s the perfectionist in me?

So, how do employees close their minds and really relax and recharge for Monday? All too often it’s a semi-relaxation. To be fully relaxed, I’ve found leaving the country over the years works best. Maybe we should have shorter work weeks, longer weekends, siestas in the middle of the day – hmmm sounds like Europe. Whatever you decide to do to relax, try to do so with the full intent to forget about work. That includes, leaving your computer, blackberry and phone somewhere where the dings and rings can’t be heard.